Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Nomination thanks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank readers for nominating Sorcery of Scent in the 9th Annual Basenotes Fragrance Awards in the Best Blog category. I feel honoured and humbled for being nominated amongst greats such as Perfumeshrine, Now Smell This, 1000 Fragrances and Bois de Jasmin. Your ongoing support and readership are what keeps me going.

Warmest regards and thanks,


Anonymous said...

Congratulations !!
Continue the good work

Andy said...

Congratulations to you, Dimitri. For sure: Well deserved! Let us celebrate and enjoy the day...

Nomad said...

Congratulations!! And I hope you win it, you deserve it!!

Justine Crane said...

Congratulations, Dimi. You deserve it.

Max said...

Congratulations, Dimitri!

Surfacing said...


Thank YOU, for putting the time, effort and passion into your blog !

Binny said...

Congratulations! Your blog is beautiful.

Blog Author said...

Thank you everyone for your kind words. :)

It means a lot to me that Im not speaking to an empty room! Perfume reviews and insights are a very personal thing, and I appreciate that people occasionally like to read mine.
Thanks again,
*group hug*

Mariannetm said...

Congratulations Dimitri!

It is always a pleasure to visit your weblog,

hug from me too,
