Today I spent a little time photographing some of my colognes. I don't consider myself a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, however I had a lot of fun with it. As a result, I'm sharing some of the results with you in the form of a downloadable desktop. I wonder how many you can identify.
Just click on the smaller picture above, and then click and drag or 'save' the larger version to your desktop. Screen size 1024 x 768.
hehehe...found one! Thanks for including one of my babies
Could there ever be any doubt, Andy?
"L'air..." is one of my staples! :)
Puzzles! I love. :)
I'm enjoying your writing very much, thank you for sharing. I'm not good at all picking out notes in scents and thus I'm always glad when you write about them!
-oh, I've wandered in from Basenotes. :) :) :)
I think I have located all but one. thanks for the picture (my new wallpaper
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